Terms and Conditions

The Firm is not a registered SEC investment adviser.

The Firm’s website is limited to the dissemination of general information pertaining to its investment advisory services.  It is for informational purposes only and so should not be construed by a consumer and/or prospective client or investor as a solicitation to effect, or attempt to effect transactions in securities, or the rendering of personalized investment advice for compensation, over the Internet.

Notice Regarding Web Linking Practices:

The Firm provides access to information, services, and products through websites that are owned or operated by other companies (“third party websites”).  We have carefully chosen a number of other companies to provide information, services, and products, in hopes of bringing you the value and service you expect from Firm.  You can identify that you are at a third party’s website instead of the Firm’s website when you have used a hyperlink which takes you to a new location, and the website address of the linked site appears in the “netsite” or “address” box at the top of your browser, or when a new browser window is opened, in which the new third party website appears.

We have done our best to provide you with information, services, and products from trustworthy third party companies; however, the Firm cannot endorse, approve or guarantee information, products, services or recommendations provided at any third party’s website.  It is provided solely for the purpose of convenience.  Because we may not always know when information on a third party website changes, the Firm is not responsible for the content or accuracy of any third party website.  The Firm will not be responsible for any loss or damage of any sort resulting from the use of a third party web link, nor will it be liable for any failure of products or services advertised or provided on these third parties’ websites.

When you visit a third party website by using a hyperlink from the Firm site, our Privacy Policy will no longer protect you.  The data collection, use, and protection provided by the linked website may differ from those of the Firm.  You should familiarize yourself with the privacy policy and security practices of any third party linked website you visit.  Those are the policies and practices that will apply to your use of the third party linked website, NOT Firm’s policies and practices.  Because the privacy and information security practices may be different than Firm’s, you may be at greater risk to computer viruses, malicious code, or other defects in websites that may affect your computer.